Friday, October 1, 2010

Analyzing Gaming: Yes, Another WoW Article

You asked for a Gaming article, and now you've got it. I'm sure there are many blogs out there talking about WoW right now, and even some that specialize in it. However, I did feel the need to talk about it here a little bit. So, stop QQing and start reading.

As any WoW player knows, 4.0 is just around the corner. In fact, It'll probably be here on the 5th. That's next week. I've played around with it on the PTR and I must say, a lot of it is totally unfinished still...

I play a paladin. A ret paladin, to be exact. And I'm way past the point of caring about what the hell happens to my class. Every single major content patch, without fail, has dramatically changed how Ret plays. In 4.0, they aren't just changing ret, but every Paladin spec by adding in this Holy Power system. Now, I do give Blizzard a bit of credit here, because I actually do really like how the system was implemented. It feels like the rogue combo point system, and that's okay.

But Holy Power is probably one of the only good additions to ret. Well, that and the new interrupt. Ret's rotation right now is ridiculous. You basically have less spells to click now than before. Your rotation is (pretty much) CS > TV, with some fillers here and there. They wanted to make the rotation more complex, and they failed horribly.

Another thing they did was completely strip Ret of nearly every single defensive ability that it had. Ret no longer has an instant-cast Flash of Light. Instead, we have Word of Glory, which consumes all of our Holy Power to heal you for a very minor amount. This would be fine, if 50% of our damage didn't come from proper utilizing of Holy Power. Not to mention the fact that we can no longer cleanse magic, and that bubble only lasts 8 seconds. Tell me, why is an 8 second immunity that we only deal 50% damage through still on a five minute cooldown? We can't even heal in it anymore without completely draining all of our mana.

Finally, I wanted to talk about the absolutely ridiculous queue system coming in Cataclysm. For those that don't know, this system will pretty much screw your DPS if you're anything but a mage. If you button mash, like most good players do, you will be locked in to whatever ability you click while the GCD is on cooldown. That means, no changing your spell choice after you click on it. Ever.

There is a huge thread on it here:
First Capped Thread
Second Thread

So, that's my WoW rant for the day. What about you? Are you excited for 4.0 and Cata? What sever do you play on? Do you have no idea what WoW is? Do tell!


  1. i use to play wow, but stopped due to the fear of losing my life to wow XD

  2. man i wish i still played- but i just cant afford it anymore. I main'ed a hunter and had a pretty ballin ret pally too. vid makes me want to play again like crazy

  3. man im looking forward to cata

  4. I played wow for a bit... too draining for me.. Now i play minecraft and cry myself to sleep at night.

  5. Oh my god, I just heard about the ability queue system. What a terrible idea, they can't seriously keep that in can they?.

    These pre-expansion patches have a habit of unbalancing the game :( I think I'll wait until Cata to renew my subscription anyway.

  6. my subscription is over

    feels bad man

  7. Nice update, waiting for more! :]

  8. The Holy Power system sounds cool enough. Haven't checked up on it yet though.

  9. Im playing a hunter and a rogue, and hell how im not waiting for the cataclysm...

  10. Jeez, I kinda miss playing wow, especially all the raids!

  11. Wow this is really nice blog,I'm covering dragon age 2 soon if you want to help me it would be awesome !

  12. fuck yeah, and ikatashy if you want to play just play a pserver, also nice blog ill keep coming every day to see whats new

  13. Level 80 gnome mage ftw!
    ranked 2 on my server yay!

    Sometimes it pays off having no life.

    Btw i get my fonts from deviant art, I think i got 1 or 2 from linotype as well, thanks for posting i love your blog.

  14. Very nice blog. Makes me want to start playing again...

  15. i wonder how cataclysm will be.

  16. Used to play WOW, but had actual life commitments and so couldn't waste my time with the game, enjoyed it though.

  17. I gotta admit, Cataclysm is tempting me to play WoW again.

  18. I played a ret paladin in WoW too before I quit. I was the top rated ret paladin in the world according to arena junkies from seasons 2-5 or 6( I forget when I quit). I'd give pointers and all of that, but our class has changed so much since I've played that I wouldn't know how. I have to admit that cata doesn't look all that great for ret paladins either. I think I'll just wait until d3 or SW:TOR.

    Smittens- Gul'dan(US)

  19. want to play cataclysm so bad

    trying to resist resubbing

  20. I hear so many people get addicted to WoW. I'm glad I never started.

    Brb, time for a smoke.

  21. It used to be that a ret paladin was the lynchpin of the raid, but I agree Blizzard is raping us. damn you blizzard.

  22. I played WoW for a while.. but I just got tired of it some how. :o

    Guess I'm kinda happy I'm not addicted!

  23. I plan on coming back to WoW for Cata, although it is highly likely that I'll be playing my rogue and not Paladin.

  24. Not a big WoW fan... I think I'm glad =/

  25. I played WoW once. It was a bit too expensive for me so I didn't keep playing. It was kinda fun, but I could tell that if I played for too much it would absorb me and it would be an obsession and a job.

  26. trust me, i hate the paladin changes too

  27. >play a ret paladin


  28. @Troy: Let me guess, you're one of the people that thinks ret is OP~

  29. ability que is pretty fucked up...and wtf at the hunter pet killing the ret pally...guess I'm gonna be playing my resto druid alot more come cata.

  30. I stopped playing WoW recently, but I don't like the Cata changes. It's gonna become too easy.

  31. that queue system must be able to be disabled. other than that watching totalhalibut's heroic videos cataclysm looks promising. actually hard not "lolol faceroll retards in full epics" wrath of the lich king. god that was a dissapointment. they better not fuck it up again. they already ruined it. down dig below rock bottom please.

  32. Lol it would cost too much for me to start playing, but it looks intense

  33. I keep trying, but just cant get into Wow

  34. I think the queue system will add a ton of skill requirement to the game.

  35. Hmmm...queue system seems to bring in more reads rather than reaction mash. I like it when stronger minds have the advantage.

  36. MMORPGs are too expensive for my tastes... =/

  37. The gif is awesome. This game is very time consuming though.

  38. I been living in a cave for ten years... i've never heard of WOW...

    pS I miss warcraft... remember warcraft? Zugzug!

  39. Played the Cata beta, it is alright... if you like how they made characters so easy you can just faceroll everything.
