Thursday, September 30, 2010

Analyzing Art: Digital Goodness

I've received quite a few compliments on my banner (Thanks, by the way) and it got me thinking about art, and just what we can do with it in this digital age. I've been using Photo Shop for a few years now, but I still learn something new about it almost every time I use it.

There are many different photo editing programs that you can use to aid you in creating that perfect image. Paint shop is one of the more lesser-known programs. It's great for just starting out. But the main source for most images is Photo Shop. There is lots of photo shop software out there, for many different specific uses.

There are endless possibilities for what you can create. Abstract images, skylines, artistic, cultural. Or even maybe just some cat wallpapers. Personally, I prefer the minimalist approach. Simple, yet effective enough to get your point across.

Creating images is also a great way to gain some income, for those that are skilled enough. Go with some classic images, and you might find yourself with some fine art printing, or perhaps some vinyl banners. Banner advertising is always a great way to attract attention to people.

Perhaps I will share some of my work in the future!

So, what about you? Are you a newbie when it comes to Photo shopping? Have you mastered every detail of it? Or are you somewhere in the middle?


  1. i'll have to check out some photo shop guides, could you reccomend any?

  2. im no good at art digital or not. however these are beautiful. great work! hope to see more soon

  3. @Hip-Hop Hikikomori: I'm aware of your reasons for raging, but understand that it was fully intended. :)

  4. some pretty cool banners you got there

  5. I've tried getting into photoshop a few times, but I always drown in a sea of options and tutorials.

  6. I really wish I had a better banner :(

  7. The banner is great, the last thing missing is the eye of the illuminati :D

  8. A photoshop expert is a true artiste.
    I've attempted many times to just learn.
    I end up surrendering and deleting the program, every time:-|

  9. Photoshop. Great, as long as people understand the difference between photography and digital art.

  10. simply beautiful. i love what people can do with Photoshop. i just got cs5 hopefully you'll be posting some of my stuff soon! heh

  11. I'm kinda noob when it comes to image editing :/
    Cant wait to see some of your work, bro!

  12. Nice stuff, i'm a noob to photoshop mainly been trying forum sigs and removing blemishes from old photos and such, i'll do a post showing my noob shit later :P

  13. speaking of your banner- did you make the one at the top? im trying to create a similar effect for a logo im designing as freelance work

  14. @ikatashi: Indeed, I did make the banner at the top of the page! I cropped the background from a wallpaper I found, added a border and some text, and that was it.

    The wallpaper did most of the work, honestly.

    Let me know if you need any help. :)

  15. that violin one is pretty sweet. I wish I knew how to play one.

  16. Some nice stuff there... I'd almost ask you to design me a banner since I badly need one, how much time would it take you ??

  17. @Frank: I don't think it would be too much trouble to put together a banner for you. Toss me some basic info and any designs you'd want on it and I'll see what I can do!

  18. i wished i could do this on photoshop!!

  19. Some of those are awesome. I used to do photoshop sigs myself but I was never any good.

  20. I've had photoshop a long time, but honestly never learned to use it properly. lol certainly nothing like your work nice done

  21. I love the banner too. I also have a deep appreciation for digital art. On my blog I have several wallpapers posted.

  22. Beautiful work man, I'm good with photoshop but unfortunately I'm not creative enough to make awesome art like that...

  23. Those images are really good.

    I'm a Photoshop... well, not total noob- I can do some easy things like userbars, some web graphics.

  24. I used to be fairly decent with Photoshop, over the years though I've just gave up on it.

  25. i used to be really good at photoshop but i just kinda lost interest :/

  26. You made the banner yourself then? Nice, I can't wait to see your photoshops.

  27. looks great!
    i like it.

  28. Wow, that first one is really freakin' awesome. Do some tutorials...

  29. The graphic design and set up on your site is magnificant! Stay consistant, man. If possible I'll ask you to design a logo for my website perhaps :)

  30. i use photoshop for painting and editing, but i also use illustrator for design related works

  31. I'm somewhere in the middle, but I always enjoy some good art. I also use a lot of Illustrator.

  32. Used photoshop in highschool. **** was cash, but it's too expensive/time-consuming to get into productively IMO.

  33. I'm too poor to afford Photoshop. I've been trying to use GIMP but wow, I don't think I could ever be as good as you. Amazing work.

  34. Perhaps you will share some art work?

    C'mon now, make with the images! :)

  35. CG is always amazing...I wish I'd taken the time to learn how to draw better when I was younger. I'd be able to make more use of photoshop otherwise haha.

  36. Pretty new in Photoshop. Shooped movie pics with my face on for fun ! NIce bro.

  37. I am no good with photoshop, but your pics look amazing!

  38. I am trash lol. Paint is my best friend however...

  39. slick photoshopping right there.. I need to get as good at it ;]

  40. I'm adept at navigating photoshop, but I'm not good at "shopping" pictures.

  41. I'm not good at art, let alone digital art. All these banners, your header included, are incredible :O I don't know anything about PhotoShop. Only image editing I ever really do is cropping and stuff, which Paint does well enough.

    Only thing I don't like about PhotoShop and other image editors are those people who take a picture, make it black and white except with the color on their shoes or something, add some quote or lyric, and call it art. Stuff you do is, like I said, incredible, and I consider it art :)

  42. very informative. i'd like to see some of your art in your future posts!

  43. I applaud your skills. I've been using Photoshop for years and still can only do basic stuff.
