Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Analyzing Music: That New Album Smell

Don't you just love it when you hear your favorite band is releasing a new album? I've been noticing a lot of new albums coming out lately, and I've been adding even more to my collection. My friend recently got me into Alesana, and it's quickly become one of my favorite bands.

I've also been listening to a lot of Tiesto since he released his most recent album, Kaleidoscope, and the remixed version. His club music is great.

Sadly, there are also some albums that tend to disappoint. I was pretty let down by the recent 10 Years album. A few of their songs sounded a little bit too .. Linkin Park-ish. Not that there is anything terribly wrong with that.

So, what are your thoughts on downloading albums? Are you against it? Are you for it? Are you somewhere in the middle? Personally, I would gladly buy any album if I were inspired enough by the artist and their songs.


  1. Very nice song, thanks for sharing. Personally I liked Tiesto a bit more back in the good ol Elements of Life days, but he's still doing well!

  2. Does tiesto ever make ANYTHING bad?? I don't think so =)

  3. I went to coachella a few years ago as a birthday present and the last artist on the main stage was DJ Tiesto. I had no idea who he was but I liked it. Unfortunately my cousin I was with wanted to leave and he was my ride so I only caught like 10 minutes of it. Now I feel like a filthy heathen for not convincing them to stay till he was done.

  4. @Daniel: Wow, that's really awesome and disappointing at the same time. :|

    I would love to see Tiesto live someday!

  5. shhush, videos wont work.. I guess it is realy something on my computer coz i was unable to watch any video today :/

  6. Not bad. My favorite album is definitely Elements of Life.

  7. I'm a musician, so I totally hate downloading, and I never do it if I can buy it anywhere.

  8. Elements of Life gets played often in my house

  9. I almost went to go see Tiƫsto at the loveparade in Germany. Kinda glad I didn't since people died and such.

  10. Nice post i love these bands keep up the good toons aswell

  11. I grew out of Tiesto.
    But these are nice.
    Maybe i should start listening to him again huh?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. the first one has a nice voice and the second one is rather funny:3

  14. I buy stuff..
    but only if it's really worth it.

  15. Generally I buy if it's a new band that needs the money, I tend to buy merch too.

  16. I only buy from new/up and coming/local bands. The ones that have truly made it big don't need my minor donation.

  17. If its a band that I'm not very familiar with I nearly always download an album to listen before I go spend all that money on the cd.

  18. Alesana kicks so much ass dude. My favorite song by them is probably "The Thespian"

  19. I love new albums! They're just nice to fondle and fiddle with ^_^

  20. I only buy an album if I find myself listening to it more often that anything else. Quality > Money

  21. Tiesto! This guy is getting really popular nowadays, don't you think he's a bit... too "pop"?

  22. buy music is you really like it!

  23. Mainly I figure if you download an album and end up listening to it constantly, go out and buy a copy. But if it turns out to be something you never listen to past the first day then there's no buyer's remorse. Especially if you're looking into said album specifically out of curiosity.

  24. I have to admit I download way more than I buy. Btw, nice Tiesto track.

  25. Tiesto is one of my all time greatest artists.

  26. I'm in the middle. I like the feeling of owning a new album but I like the convenience of downloading

  27. I remember the good ol' days of actually going to Blockbuster... lol
